Friday, July 16, 2010

29 Weeks

Dear Baby Girl,

I've been thinking more and more about you this week. Ever since we went to go visit Baby G, I just want to meet you. It's so nice that so many of my friends are having babies. That means, lots and lots of playdates for you! 7 of my friends are having or have had a baby recently. Little one, you are going to have lots of good friends! I just have to keep you away from the boys when you get bigger. :)

This week, we haven't been up to much. I'm still a little confused with the whole time thing. I don't know why. But in case you've noticed, yup, we're going to bed later. Because I'm just not tired. Then your mommy has to drag herself out of bed in the mornings. That's why we've been taking so many naps in the evenings.

But I'm thinking you don't mind much. Neither does W. He likes our naps. I also find him sleeping under your crib a lot. I think he's just practicing for when you come home. W and I also signed up for a baby and dog class. It's in a few weeks. And I think it will be fun for all of us. :)

See how much we love you little girl! We just can't wait for you to get here. I know W is going to just love you too. And be so protect over you. We're counting down the days until October!

XOXO Your Mommy