Friday, October 8, 2010

41 Weeks

Dear Baby Girl,

We are 1 week "late." I'm not stressed. Neither is our doctor. But I am anxious! I can't wait to meet you. I know. For 41 weeks, you've been inside me, growing. But I want to hold you. I want to look into your eyes. To kiss your cheeks. And I want to just be your Mommy.

Today, our doctor scrapped my membranes. It hurt. But it was worth it. I've felt a few contractions since. And this is supposed to start things moving. You know, in the right direction. That means we could meet sometime this weekend! Now that makes me excited!

Everything is ready for you. Your nursery. Our home. W. Your Mommy. Your Nana and
Nono. Your Uncle Barracuda. We're all ready! We're just waiting for you to come. Your Nono wants to know if you can come on Sunday. A cool date! But that is all up to you!

The only thing that I want, is for you and me to be safe and healthy. We have years and years to be together. But for right now, I want you to be healthy. And safe. So if you have to "cook" for another week, I'm OK with it. Just take as much time as you need!

XOXO Your Mommy