Monday, June 21, 2010

Baby Monkey

Barracuda came by today. He was in a really good mood. I have a really good idea why. But it was nice to see him again. Almost weekly, he is coming over with dinner. I usually find him sitting on my porch, with some sort of takeout, when I get home from work.

Today he had a silly grin on his face. And a big pink bag next to our food. I was definitely curious. It was a monkey from Build a Bear!!!

It was so nice of Barracuda to do that. I keep telling him that he is so amazing. He's being more of a dad to my daughter, than her own dad. I still can't believe that he went to Build a Bear today. And made this monkey for my little girl. He included a special message and everything for her. She is a lucky little girl.

Right now, I have it in her crib. I just can't wait until my baby girl is in there. Sleeping away. Healthy and safe. XOXO